Category Archives: News
20th International Conference on Persuasive Technology
Important Dates
- Paper submission:
– Submission deadline: January 03, 2025 (AoE)
– Decision notification: February 15, 2025
– Camera ready submission: February 28, 2025 - Workshop and tutorial proposals:– Submission deadline: December 1, 2024 (AoE)
– Decision notification: December 15, 2024 - Workshop papers, posters, demos, artefacts, and doctoral consortium submission:
– Submission deadline: March 1, 2025 (AoE)
– Decision notification: March 15, 2025
– Camera ready: March 28, 2025 - Registration:– Author registration deadline for the main track: February 28, 2025
– Author registration deadline for the rest of the categories: March 28, 2025
– Early bird registration: April 5, 2025
Publication at the International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction Journal
A paper published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Journal.
Interest in technological solutions for combating online misinformation has rapidly grown over the last decade, yet the majority of proposed tools do not consider behavioral theories in their design, nor have they addressed the ways in which individuals could potentially interact with these tools, while omitting the plausible ways in which variations in the design of the interventions may affect end-users’ decision-making and behavioral responses. In this paper, we explore the potential of nudging to inform the design of technological tools that aim to mitigate online misinformation through behavior change. We report on a design workshop where 29 participants were asked to conceive technology-mediated nudges supporting individuals’ decision-making in the production, dissemination or consumption of misinformative content. In producing novel solutions, participants used the “Nudge Deck,” a design support tool that makes nudge theory, and particularly a framework of 23 interaction design mechanisms for nudging, accessible during time-constrained design meetings. We present the outputs of the session and discuss them in light of prior literature with respect to ethics and potential effectiveness.
Poster participation at CSCW 2023
Poster of our participation at the CSCW conference 2023, report on a design workshop with 29 participants, who were asked to conceive technology-mediated nudges for misinformation with the use of the “Nudge Deck”, a design-support tool that presents 23 interaction design mechanisms for nudging.
Keynote speech at the ACM International Conference on IT for Social Good
I gave the closing keynote speech at the ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT). Interesting conference I was not aware of, on a topic close to heart. A lot of interesting work with a strong focus on sensing. I hope to see this community grow and strengthen its ties with the Social Sciences and Design.
Keynote at Persuasive ’22
Evangelos will be giving a keynote speech at Persuasive Technology 2022 that takes place on March 29-31, 2022. The conference will be virtual this year due to COVID-19. Registration is open and free.
Panel on Persuasive Technology Education
We’re joining the upcoming panel on “Teaching a Persuasive Technology course” that takes place as part of the Persuasive Technology 2021 conference. We’re looking forward to the much needed discussion!
Panel session: Teaching a Persuasive Technology Course
Moderator: Dena Al-Thani, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Panel Members:
- Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Oulu University, Finland
- Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
- Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, University of Twente, the Netherlands
- Raian Ali, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Keynote at the University of Hasselt
On March 9, I gave a keynote at the closing event of the project ‘Mobile monitoring of movement and joint loading in persons with degenerative hip- and knee problems’, at the University of Hasselt. The talk’s slides can be found here.
A preview of what was coming
My flight was affected by the Ciara storm, but I ended up giving the talk remotely, as part of a two-day workshop on “Considering Health Behavior Change” that took place back in February, in Eindhoven, NL. It went surprisingly well according to comments, and turned out to be an early preview of what was coming. Slides can be found here.
A sabbatical semester
We’ve just came back from a productive sabbatical. Chrysanthi spend two months at the Telefonica research labs in Barcelona, supported by the Encase project, Loukas spend his semester at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science in Tilburg, NL, and I visited the Interaction Design Lab of the University of Melbourne. We had lots of fun and have some interesting stuff on the pipeline…
Congratulations to Dr. Ruben Gouveia!
One of our very own, Rúben Gouveia, successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Tracking in the wild: Exploring the everyday use of physical activity trackers”. Rúben is moving to the University of Twente as an Assistant Professor as of Sept 1st, 2019. Rúben! it has been more than a pleasure!
Research visit of Elçin Hancı
We had the pleasure of hosting between February and April 2019, Elçin Hancı – Ph.D. candidate at the Human-Technology Interaction group of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Elcin’s working hypothesis, in her PhD studies, is that we treat physical activity trackers as social actors. Her work involves experimental studies of social effects on participants’ perceptions of the tracker, and motivation for physical activity (see her recent publication at Persuasive’19). We had a lot of interesting discussions and worked towards a joint publication. The photo depicts Elçin and the rest of the lab – Chrysanthi, Georgia and Loukas (from right to left) – as happy student volunteers at the Persuasive’19 conference that we hosted here in Limassol. Elçin, it was a pleasure!
Ruben Gouveia Finalist for the Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award
Ruben Gouveia has been selected as a finalist for the Gaetano Borriello Outstanding Student Award at Ubicomp 2018 along with four other students from Cornell University, the University of Washington and Stuttgart University. The award was given to Alex Mariakakis from the University of Washington. More information at:
Ruben is finishing his PhD studies at University of Madeira, under the supervision of Dr. Evangelos Karapanos. Ruben’s work has tried to understand how users engage with physical activity trackers and to design appropriate strategies that increase user engagement and lead to behavior change. More information about Ruben’s work can be found at
Persuasive’19 coming to Limassol!
We’re proudly hosting Persuasive’19 in Limassol, from April 9 to 11, 2019. Persuasive Technology (PT) is a vibrant interdisciplinary research community, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at changing people’s attitudes or behaviors through persuasion and social influence, but not through coercion or deception.
Research visit of Dr. Tuomas Kari
Dr. Tuomas Kari visited our lab during the period 3-7.9.2018. His background is in information systems science, and his main research interest lays in the use of technology in everyday life, especially in the context of health and wellness. During the visit, Tuomas gave a talk on exertion games and gamification, and we talked about our mutual research interests, and explored opportunities for collaboration.
H2020 project kick-off: Co-inform
The official kick-off of the H2020 project Co-Inform took place in May’18. Co-Inform is about empowering citizens, journalists and policy-makers with co-created socio-technical solutions, to increase resilience to misinformation and to generate more informed behaviours and policies. The aim of Co-Inform is to co-create this solutions with citizens, journalists and policy-makers for:
- Detecting and combating a variety of misinforming posts and articles on social media;
- Supporting, persuading and nourishing misinformation-resilient behaviour;
- Bridging between the public on social media, external fact-checking journalists, and policy-makers;
- Understanding and predicting which misinforming news and contents are likely to spread across which parts of the network and demographic sectors;
- Infiltrating echo-chambers on social media to expose confirmation-biased networks to different perceptions and corrective information; and
- Providing policy-makers with advanced misinformation analysis to support their policy-making processes and validation.
Our work will explore the design of technological interventions that nudge individuals towards misinformation-resilient behaviours. CUT is further represented by Dr. Elena Kyza (PI) and Dr. Dionysis Panos.
Research visitors
We had the pleasure of welcoming two research visitors over the past months.
Mr Olli Korhonen, PhD student at the Interact Research Unit of the University of Oulu, advised by Prof. Minna Isomursu, visited our lab between January and February 2018 (16.1-13.2) as part of a short-term scientific mission in the context of the European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies. Olli’s work focuses on the personalisation of e-health services. The scope of Olli’s visit was to inquire into the nature of personalisation in the context of health behavior change technologies, across three domains of activity of the lab – gamification, goal-setting and nudging.
Our own Rúben Gouveia, who is completing his PhD studies at the University of Madeira and Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, visited our lab between October 2017 and February 2018. During his time here, Rúben designed and conducted a field trial of a novel smartwatch application for the promotion of physical activity. He is currently analyzing the data and planning the write-up of what is expected to be the last study in his thesis. In the meantime, Ruben also got a full paper accepted at the top-tier ACM CHI conference.
Persuasive’18 in Waterloo, Canada. Submit!
We’re involved in the organisation of the Persuasive’18 conference to be held in Waterloo, Canada. Deadline for papers: November 1, 2017. Submit!
The 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology
April 16-19, 2018, Waterloo, Canada
Paper submission deadline: November 1, 2017
Administration: Krystina Bednarowski
Mobile HCI workshop on Quantified Self. Submit!
We will be co-organizing a workshop on New Directions for Self-Quantification for Behavior Change as part of Mobile HCI 2017 in Vienna. Submit your paper and join us!
New Directions in Self-Quantification for Behavior Change – Call for Papers
Workshop at MobileHCI
September 4th, 2017
Vienna, Austria
Elisabeth Kersten – van Dijk, Eindhoven University of Technology
Naomi Jacobs, Eindhoven University of Technology
Heleen Rutjes, Eindhoven University of Technology
Marc Hassenzahl, University of Siegen
Evangelos Karapanos, Cyprus University of Technology
Boris de Ruyter, Philips Research, Radboud University Nijmegen
Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Eindhoven University of Technology
The vision of the Quantified Self proposes that by gathering data about ourselves, we can gain insight into what makes us tick and shed light on avenues for self-improvement. However, examples from practice show that obtaining insight from data, let alone achieving long-term behavior change, is not trivial. In addition, self-tracking may have unintended side effects and hidden assumptions which complicate its effects. In this interactive workshop, we aim to bring together researchers from various fields with an interest in behavior change support systems, to compile an interdisciplinary, critical perspective on the use of self-quantification for behavior change.
Perspectives that are of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
– From data to action: How and to what extent do users understand and believe their data, and does it lead to new, actionable and meaningful insights? How can we help users translate their data into action?
– Unintended effects: What are the side effects of self-quantification and how can we investigate these?
– Individual differences: What individual differences change the effects of self-quantification, both stable (e.g., personality, socio-cultural background, gender) and temporary characteristics (e.g., mood, situational characteristics)?
– Ethical perspectives: how should we incorporate ethical considerations in the design of applications employing self-quantification for behavior change?
– Methodological perspectives: Which methods can be applied to answer the questions above?
** To participate **
Submit a position paper of 2-4 pages in SIGCHI extended abstracts format. Research results are not required; we invite specifically ideas and research in early stages.
Submissions will be reviewed by the organizers based on relevance and expected contribution to the discussion in the workshop.
Please direct queries and paper submissions to
– The deadline for submission of workshop contributions is May 19th, 2017
– Notification will be sent to authors on June 9th, 2017
Please note that at least one author of each accepted position paper must register and attend the workshop. All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the main conference. Please register before the early registration deadline of June 19th.
Best Paper & Best Poster award at Persuasive’17
We received two awards at the 12th International conference on Persuasive Technology. The best paper award went to Ana’s work on Subly, while Ligia, just on the very start of her PhD, won the best poster award. Well done girls!
Invited talk for the World Usability Day
We gave a talk in the WUD’16 Tallinn and WUD@ITMO events. The slides of the presentation are attached below.
Honorable Mention for Best Paper @ Ubicomp'15
Together with Ruben Gouveia and Marc Hassenzahl, we received an Honorable Mention Award for Best Paper for the paper How Do We Engage With Activity Trackers? A Longitudinal Study of Habito. The Honorable Mention Award is given to a paper that was identified by the Program Committee as being among the top 5% of all submissions to UbiComp 2015. UbiComp is the premier interdisciplinary conference in the field of ubiquitous and pervasive computing, and a top-ranked international conference in computer science.