The Nudge Deck

A card-based design support tool for the design
of technology-mediated nudges.

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Trigger cards

Leveraging Fogg's Behavior Model, trigger cards identify three types of triggers: Facilitators (which enhance individuals’ ability to perform a behaviour), Sparks (which enhance individuals’ motivation in performing a behaviour) and Signals (which simply remind). Trigger cards help in identifying the nudging mechanisms that are more appropriate in a given situation.


6 Category cards

The 23 mechanisms of nudging are clustered into six overall categories. Category cards list the mechanisms that belong within each category, and are color-coded to facilitate the mechanisms to categories mapping. (mouseover the cards below to find their purpose)



These nudges facilitate decision-making by diminishing individual’s physical or mental effort. They are designed to encourage people to intuitively pursue a predefined set of actions, which resemble people’s best interests and goals.



Confront nudges attempt to pause an unwanted action by instilling doubt. They attempt to break mindless behavior and prompt a reflective choice.



Fear nudges evoke feelings of fear, loss and uncertainty to make the user pursue an activity.



Nudges in this category use deception mechanisms in order to affect how alternatives are perceived, or how activities are.


Social Influence

Social influence nudges take advantage of people’s desire to conform and comply with what is believed to be expected from them.



Nudges in this category attempt to reinforce behaviors through increasing their presence in individuals’ thinking.

Mechanisms cards

Mechanisms cards describe the 23 nudge mechanims proposed by the framework. The front of the card presents the name of the mechanism, a description, an example and the trigger associated. The back-side of the cards lists design considerations, hints and questions that aim to trigger discussion between team members.

Image Card Front
Image Card Front
Image Card Front