A card-based design support tool that supports the design of behavior change Technologies.

Stage Cards

The 5 Stage Cards are devoted to Prochaska’s et al. Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change and, particularly, the 5 stages of behavior change. The front-side provides the description of the stage, while the backside lists design considerations and hints. Each stage card is presented with a discrete color, in an effort to make the technique-stage mapping easier.


Technique Cards

Each of the 34 technique cards, presents a behavior change technique, derived from Michie’s et al. taxonomy, and mapped to one or more of the five stages of behavior change that the technique is relevant to. The front-side provides the description of the technique along with an example intervention, while the back-side lists design considerations and hints that aim to trigger discussion among the members of the design team.

Image Card Front
Image Card Front
Image Card Front

"Define the Problem" exercise

To provide a starting point, we adopted Michie’s et al. “define the problem” exercise which asks designers to define and reflect on the behavior to be changed and its constituents.
